Email us: Call us: +256 701 481003 Find us: Pokino/Ssekabaka Road, Wakaliga

Hope & Beyond Centre of excellence for addiction treatment

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About Hope and Beyond

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Hope and Beyond is an organisation with a mission to provide treatment and rehabilitation to individuals, families and communities suffering from addictive illnesses and substance abuse.


A society without substance abuse


Restoration of hope to those who are discouraged by the challenges of alcohol and substance use and other addictive illnesses.


H&B extends her services beyond any form of social, political or economic divide.  The main treatment goal of HaB is to help clients achieve abstinence and attain better quality of life


  • To offer treatment and rehabilitation avenues for those suffering with addictive illness such as alcohol and substance abuse
  • To implement programs and activities geared towards reduction of alcohol and substance misuse.
  • To mitigate the challenge of HIV among people affected by substance abuse.
  • To empower people and communities affected by the substance use with resources to overcome their challenges and improve their standard of living.
  • Conduct research and raise awareness about alcohol abuse and other addictive lifestyles

Core Values

Honesty: Honesty Rigorous honesty is key to recovery from substance abuse. At Hope and Beyond, we are always strive to be true to ourselves and others in our day-to-day business. We serve all humanity without any bias and we are always prioritize accountability in what we do our works.

Openness:  We at all times encourage openness in discussing issues and challenges in order to establish and address their root causes.

Patience: Hope and Beyond acknowledges that changing is a gradual and life long process. We promote patience and tolerance as a core value in order to give our clients time to recover.

Empathy: Central to Hope and Beyond’s operations is a strong desire to place ourselves in the shoes of our clients in order to appreciate and help them address their challenges.