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Hope & Beyond Centre of excellence for addiction treatment

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Hope and Beyond Ready To Expand Treatment Activities in 2018 – 2030

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Proposed Specialized Addiction Treatment and General Health Facility in Mpigi, Uganda

Venue: Kiringente Sub-county, Luvumbula Parish in Nakabiso village

Purpose: Improve welfare of the inhabitants and empower them to live a healthy and productive life.

Intended outcome:

  • Medical treatment and community outreaches to at least 18,000 patients, annually. 

  • Research and educational activities for management of addictive illnesses. 

  • Social economic empowerment with special focus on the girl child and the woman in general. 

  • Safe water to those in a radius of 1.5km from the project site. 

  • Youth friendly services and community recreational centres

Appeal: We appeal to all people of good heart to support us in the realization of this project. Financial contributions can be sent on Mobile Money number: 0789 241624 or On Account 3100023832 of Centenary Bank. To the local community we have more requests. 

Contact: Dr. David Kalema Executive Director, Hope and Beyond treatment and Rehabilitation centre +256 772481003 or +256 702481003 Email: