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Free medical camp to residents of kiringente sub county, Mpigi district

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Free medical camp to residents of kiringente sub county, Mpigi district

10 years of service

HaB proposes to undertake a free of charge medical camp as a measure to encourage uptake of health services among residents of Mpigi district. Although the treatment camp will be conducted in Kavule, interested beneficiaries from other areas will be served as long as they can reach the project implementation site. 

Project goal

To increase awareness of health-related matters in Kiringente Subcounty and provide a variety of free medical services (education, diagnosis, treatment and referral) to at least 100 poor and vulnerable people living in Nakabiso village and surrounding areas. 

Project location (Kavule, Nakabiso, Mpigi district)

Mpigi is a semi-rural district found in central Uganda and faces noticeable challenges in the health sector, without any SUD treatment or rehabilitation and reports lack of clean water and poor nutrition among the main challenges facing the inhabitants. The district has a total area of 1,541.13 square kms and an estimated population of 215,500 people. The proposed free medical amp treatment and general health facility will be at Kiringente Subcounty, Luvumbula parish in Nakabiso village. Nakabiso village is 3KMs off the Masaka Highway and 30KMs from the capital city. Kiringente Subcounty  has a population of about 11,411 people.

Health Infrastructure: Mpigi district has a five-year Health Strategic Plan that focuses on achieving equity through increased access to minimum health care package, quality care and efficiency. The district boasts of 40 Health Units of different categories owned by both Government hospitals and Non - Government Organizations, but majority lack the basic equipment to offer reasonable services. Health gaps are reported in the area of sexual reproductive health and HIV prevention and treatment. Besides, no psychiatric hospital is found in Mpigi and no institution is known to offer treatment or rehabilitation for addictive illnesses.  Nakabiso village is a rural area with poor road access and suffers severe health gaps as the nearby health unit is more than 5 KMs away.

1.Daily services: 

General Health Checkup (Including Voluntary Counselling and testing for HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, etc) and treatment of common illnesses 
Alcohol and Substance Use Disorder screening and Detoxification and Counseling 
COVID Awareness and related consultations including distribution of mask and sanitizers. 


2.Specialized consultations shall be provided on selected days

Child care: Personalized consultations/checkup, Deworming …
Mental disorders: Diagnosis, treatment and workshop 
Addiction: Screening, brief interventions/ counselling and workshop for alcohol and substance use disorders
Eye … Other specialized services shall include: Dental and Ear Nose and Throat consultations 
NCD: Diabetes, hypertension and Obesity 

All services including consultations and medications shall be free of charge