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Free medical and mental Health Camp

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Free medical and mental Health Camp

health camp

On 1-6 November, HaB launched our outpatient services with a free medical/mental health treatment camp. In this camp we planned to treat about 20 people for each day and in any case not more than 100 in total. We were surprised that on day one, we had 87 participants.

This has led us to change many of our plans to accommodate more people. Even when we stocked more medicine almost on a daily basis during the camp we were not able to serve all the patients and many more were returned back. In total we ended up seeing over 365 patents some coming as far as Kabaale (from Western Uganda). In this camp, we also profiled our people to gain insight into their social economic life. This will help us to be even more relevant to their needs.

We have seen different types of people with majority being children, followed by women, the elderly and the males. We note that the common illness in ulcers, hypertension and Diabates. Majority of young people and adults also informed us that they use alcohol. A few use drugs and many passed the drug screening tests. This is therefore clear that we make our priorities in those areas. 

To us this was like putting one leg in the water to test its depth. Now that we know, we shall devise appropriate strategies.

health worker at the camp